
Choices for Positive Youth Relationships open package


LESSON 1 Identifying the Abuse

Introductory lesson to identify and categorize abuse
Message of the Day: Recognizing violence is the first step to ending it

LESSON 2 Warning Signs

Film Presentation and identification of risk factors
Message of the Day: Asking for help is a sign of courage

LESSON 3 Positive Relationships

Film debriefing, Boundary setting, Rights and Responsibilities
Message of the Day: Setting personal boundaries protects us from abuse

LESSON 4 Understanding the Choices

Contributing factors to abusive relationships
Message of the Day: Behavior is a choice

LESSON 5 Responsible Choices

Determining safe and responsible action
Message of the Day: You are responsible for your own behavior

LESSON 6 Help a Friend

Effective support for a victim or abuser
Message of the Day: Listen but do not criticize your friend