Assessment tools need to be appropriate
for the learning activities used, the
purposes of instruction,
the needs and experiences
of the students. The overall goal of
CHOICES for Positive
Youth Relationships is that youth develop the awareness,
and support to make and sustain safe
and positive relationships.
A comprehensive
assessment will include both the cognitive and affective domain.
for assessment
may include:
Measurement of the extent to which students
met the established program goals, using the
above criteria, may be achieved by the use of specific
factual testing. However,
educators are encouraged to explore alternative and more empowering
methods. It
is probably most
useful to
promote students’ ability to
assess their own learning as well as
that of
their peers.
We caution you to proceed
thoughtfully with an evaluation based
on criteria
such as participation and attitude.
Be aware that
this subject
matter may trigger very
emotional responses that may elicit
less than positive
behaviours. It
is never appropriate
to base evaluation
disclosures or personal
Provide prompts
that students can use to reflect on what they have learned
about healthy
adult relationships. For example:
students have listened to a guest speaker, ask them to record 2
or 3 key ideas or points presented.
Include accurate and relevant details and specific examples for
each point.
Following a video presentation or a guest presentation,
have students complete statements
such as:
Group work allows students to
identify potential strategies for action. To assess students' abilities
to evaluate these strategies and prompt self-assessment, pose questions such
Case studies are useful
ways to measure knowledge and skill application. For example, to what extent
does the analysis and resolution:
Role-playing offers an excellent opportunity
for both self and peer evaluation. It is readily evident
if they are able to apply the skills and knowledge in an appropriate and effective
Journaling can provide a valuable means of self-reflection or emotional
charting. It is suggested
that journals remain personal and confidential to the participant.
Some students
may wish to create an action plan within the class or school
or community – create
and perform a dramatic response, develop a positive response
to an identified need.
student participation to determine the extent to which they: