Presentations & Training




Assessment tools need to be appropriate for the learning activities used, the purposes of instruction, and the needs and experiences of the students. The overall goal of CHOICES for Positive Youth Relationships is that youth develop the awareness, skills and support to make and sustain safe and positive relationships.

A comprehensive assessment will include both the cognitive and affective domain. Criteria for assessment may include:

  • knowledge of facts and terms and an understanding of concepts and strategies
  • thinking and inquiry skills (e.g., formulating questions, planning, selecting strategies and resources, analysing and interpreting information, forming conclusions)
  • communication of information and ideas
  • application of behaviour, strategies, and tactics and making connections (e.g., between personal experiences and the subject or between the subject and the world outside the school)

Measurement of the extent to which students met the established program goals, using the above criteria, may be achieved by the use of specific factual testing. However, educators are encouraged to explore alternative and more empowering methods. It is probably most useful to promote students’ ability to assess their own learning as well as that of their peers.

We caution you to proceed thoughtfully with an evaluation based on criteria such as participation and attitude. Be aware that this subject matter may trigger very emotional responses that may elicit less than positive behaviours. It is never appropriate to base evaluation on disclosures or personal journaling.


Some suggestions for assessment follows:

Provide prompts that students can use to reflect on what they have learned about healthy adult relationships. For example:

  • What are the three most important qualities you want to
    bring to your relationships with your friends?
  • With your family?
  • In the workplace?
  • What are the three most important qualities you will
    look for in other relationships with your family?
  • With your friends?
  • In the workplace?
  • What do you think are the most important signs of
    healthy relationships in a family?
  • Among friends?
  • In the workplace?

After students have listened to a guest speaker, ask them to record 2 or 3 key ideas or points presented. Include accurate and relevant details and specific examples for each point.

Following a video presentation or a guest presentation, have students complete statements such as:

  • Three key things I learned are __________.
  • One thing that surprised me was __________.
  • One thing I'd like to learn more about is __________.
  • One thing that isn't clear to me is __________.

Group work allows students to identify potential strategies for action. To assess students' abilities to evaluate these strategies and prompt self-assessment, pose questions such as:

  • What previous knowledge did you have about this social issue?
  • What strategies have already been implemented?
  • Which were most effective? Why?
  • What role can you play?
  • What strategies did your group identify?
  • What difference will implementing the strategies make?

Case studies are useful ways to measure knowledge and skill application. For example, to what extent does the analysis and resolution:

  • clearly state the key choice or decision
  • accurately identify the risk factors
  • outline an appropriate strategy for decision making
  • describe the consequences of potential choices
  • offer a realistic resolution

Role-playing offers an excellent opportunity for both self and peer evaluation. It is readily evident if they are able to apply the skills and knowledge in an appropriate and effective manner.

Journaling can provide a valuable means of self-reflection or emotional charting. It is suggested that journals remain personal and confidential to the participant.

Some students may wish to create an action plan within the class or school or community – create and perform a dramatic response, develop a positive response to an identified need.

Observe student participation to determine the extent to which they:

  • Actively participate and show enthusiasm, becoming energetically
    involved in the task.
  • Challenge self and take risks.
  • Contribute ideas, listen to others, and accept their ideas.
  • Encourage others and willingly works with other members of the class.
  • Show concern for others and ensure their safety.
  • Commit to the group project or performance.
  • Possess good concentration skills, and shows signs of originality and creativity.
  • Solve problem situations effectively.